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Niamh Colling

Hi! My name is Niamh Colling, I am 19 years old and currently completing Design for Stage and Screen: Costume Design and Construction BA (hons) at Nottingham Trent University. Previous to this I took fine art at GCSE and at A Level, and completed aa Foundation Diploma in Art and Design, however I now want to narrow my field to something I really enjoy; costume making.

A lot of my spare time is taken up with being creative, as I have a passion for making items of clothing, whether from scratch or creating my own patterns in order to up-cycle a garment. I really love the challenge that this presents and the inventiveness that is necessary. Making my own clothes also gives me the opportunity to be environmentally as possible, as I use pre- existing garments, or sustainable sourced materials. Caring for the environment is paramount for me, and by making my own sustainable clothes not only am I being sustainable, but I can also use them to advertise and encourage others to do the same. 

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