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Contextual Research - Postmodernism

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

Shaping Social Change Through Social-Political Theatre &Film- West Side Story

Film Theatre Review Writing Process

  • Watch

  • Research - Who is the director? What has been said about the show? Key Performers?

  • Analyse- What is your understanding of it ? Make notes. Discuss with others. Zoom in on a particular bit you particularly liked or disliked and explain why.

  • Draft an outline of the review.

  • Examples and Evidence - to back up your opinion

  • Consider how the work stands out- what is the wider importance or message.


  • Introduction - title, release date, background info, very short summary (1 sentence)

  • Analysis of plot

  • Creative elements- dialogues, characters, colour, camera techniques, costume, mood, symbols. Do they contribute or take away from the plot.

  • Opinions- yours, audience, critics

  • Conclusion- was the film maker successful in their purpose. Will you use these ideas in the future?

The Living Theatre

Body In Space: Dance in Film Theatre and TV

Theatre of the Oppressed

Musicals, Music videos and Cabaret

The Rocky Horror Show


The Digital Revolution- One from the Heart

Subculture and Bad Taste

Spectacle and Carnival

Conflicts and War



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