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Design notes

Updated: Mar 16, 2023

Panic Monster, reminder not to leave everything to the end, and also to embrace the panic, and allow you to work at full capacity.

Working Productively Tips

  • Look at diary

  • Dedicate work

  • Make sure you have the right tools

  • let others know you're busy

  • make a list of tasks

  • Put on work clothes

  • Put on music/ audiobooks

  • Definite lunch breaks

  • Stuck= not enough research/ last phase

  • Make a flask of tea

  • Set certain breaks

  • Put phone on work mode

Briefs- Manage and Set Parameters


  • Time frame

  • Support, team

  • Scale of production

  • Budget

  • Post production

  • Audience

  • Producer and directors expectations

  • Venue

  • What do you need to deliver?


  • Who are my colleagues and do they have a specialism?

  • Is there a clear aesthetic?

  • Look at primary source material (e.g. the book) and ask myself am I actually interested ?

  • Vision/ concept/ genre

  • Can I produce something artistic?

Aesthetics- Some producers might approach you because of the aesthetic you create, or they may give you an aesthetic to follow.

Equity- Useful union to join.

Script Breakdown


Mood Boards

Rough Drawings

Development Drawings

Final Drawings

Materials to consider:

  • Pencils

  • Water colour pencils

  • Water colour

  • Markers

  • Pastels

  • Gouache

  • Ink

  • Collage

  • Digital collage/render

  • Mixed media

Things to consider

  • How much space you need to draw and allow space around the artwork.

  • Colour palettes, have a look on Pinterest

  • Look at Pantone Studio

  • Enhance with photoshop?

  • Create a style to make your work identifiable

  • Have a look at Snapseed app to clean up images

  • Create an Instagram account

  • Create a linked in account

  • Join the Society of British Theatre Designers

Costume Line up

  • After the final design

  • Means you can see the scale

  • Can see how they work next to each other

  • It doesn't matter if they overlap

  • Group characters together- scene by scene, type of character.

Group Impact

Importance of Story Telling

Costume Transformation

Design Continuity

Professional Practise on Set

Designing the Future

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