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Suit Sleuths

Updated: Mar 15, 2023


  • Shows off via colour, as in script he does this with an unusual blue mohair suit.

  • Flashes of red lining- warning, add more drama.

  • Bullseye tie- suggests at him getting shot at the end.

  • Very neat person- polished shoes, folded handkerchief, adjusting tie, slick backed hair.

  • Poorer so not as sumptuous suit as Andrew


  • Dark red- warning, symbol of the devil.

  • Showing off via his wealth, hence large quanity of gold- watches, rings, buttons, ties.

  • Well fitted suit and highly polished shoes.

  • Based off Hugo Boss 80s suit.

The Clown

  • Scuffed shoes- in the script the are overlarge and Milo keeps tripping in them, and I imagine so have the many others who have worn these shoes.

  • The little peplum creates a feminine figure- Andrew humiliating Milo even more.

  • Very textured- fabric manipulation in the trousers, and in the layered peplum.

  • Ruffs all over, to create a sense of balance.


  • Got hints of red in costume- Milo is getting as bad as Andrew

  • Bruised and cut knuckles- to make Andrew more afraid as he can see he is into violence

  • Braces- allowing the inspector to have a strong stance

  • Hund cuffs attached nonchalantly to belt hoops- intimidating

  • Untidy- stains on shirt, shoes are scuffed and worn, coat is crumpled

I am very pleased with how layering up watercolours and acrylic paint looks. This allows me to hint at different weights and textures of fabric, with acrylic showing the heavier fabrics, and the flowing quality of watercolours showing the lightweight materials. It also helps me create a sense of 3D to my figures.

Andrew 2

  • Smoking Jacket- 70s style, paisley print, as he was caught unawares so wouldn't be dressing to impress. In the script he always talks about not liking modern things, and wouldn't be dressed up to date all the time.

  • Red colour theme continues to tie everything together.

  • Tousled hair and unbuttoned shirt, wasn't expecting a visitor.

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