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  • n1013315

Paper Costume Workshop

I learnt during this lesson that using paper to experiment with is a quick, easy and cheap way to experiment with any ideas that come into your head. The freedom to let my imagination to be unrestricted by lack of material and being too precious with the material, led me to create outcomes that I would never have thought of otherwise. Also, the stiffness of the paper allowed me to play around with structure and geometric shapes a lot more than with fabric, making me wonder what I would be able to achieve with stiff fabric.

I really enjoyed working with a group as we all came up with completely different ideas, that we could bounce off one another until they formed our main idea, which I could never of thought of on my own. This made me eager to chat to others when completing other projects, as I now know this inspires me into thinking up a variety of ideas.

I also found it very interesting to, then project videos and images onto the models, as it allowed us to experiment quickly and easily with different colours and textures. I really loved the effect the videos had on the costumes; however, wonder how you would be able to actually recreate this effect? This is a question I plan to ask one of the tutors, as it is something I might want to look into for a future project.

Overall, I really liked the garment that we created, as I love the little details of the paper folding techniques, and the imposing silhouette it created. Going on from this I would like to play around more with paper manipulation so I can learn more paper folding techniques, such as the v shape pleats, we learnt how to create at the beginning.

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