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  • n1013315


Updated: May 22, 2022


In this session we looked at what effects can be achieved with different types of embroidery, and textile effects. A new type of stitch I learnt today was couching. This is where you loop stitches over wool, thread or strips to secure it to the fabric. This allowed me to create areas of relief on my fabric, which created contrasts between the flatter embroidery stitches. I also discovered that strips of fabric work well, and the fraying of the fabric created a feathered textured effect.

Stump embroidery

This is a technique that can be used to create 3D embroidery pieces such as leaves and flowers. You create these shapes by sewing wire onto your fabric, which helps it keep its form, and then you use stitches such as satin stitch to block in the colours and create detail. Although a time consuming process I plan to use it in the future, for things such as hat decorations.


This session we looked at how weaving is a very simple way of creating a textures surface. Using only a bit of cardboard we created our own mini loom. I used a variety of thickness and textured wools and trims to create a basic weave and loops to create a textured piece of fabric. I find weaving very relaxing and would really like to include it in future projects, to create a textile exactly how I want it. I would also like to have a go at using the industrial machines, to get a completely different effect to doing it by hand.

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