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  • n1013315


I really enjoyed this construction project as it challenged me to make a garment in a short space of time, and I also learnt lots of new things including.

  • You can use a spiked roller to mark out darts onto pattern paper

  • By not attaching boning channels right up to bust you can achieve a smoother finish without boning sticking out at awkward angles

  • How to create piping

  • That tight sleeves often have gathers at elbows to allow for movement

I am really pleased with how my bodice turned out. I had originally planned for my stripes to create a v at the front of the bodice, however due to the stripes on the fabric already being on the bias they ended up vertical. However, I actually lie the effect this has created, plus the darts mean the some of the stripes end up on an angle which works well with the angle at the bottom of the bodice. I am also pleased that I didn't over do the breaking down of my bodice, but instead used acrylic paint spray and clear shoe polish to create a more subtly worn look. To Improve my bodice I would spend more time whip stitching the raw edges of my fabric, to make them neater, as I have realised this fabric frays a lot, meaning the edges look messy.

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