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Updated: Mar 2, 2022

In order to prepare us for design work, we've been asked to practise drawing as much as possible, so that our drawing skills become better and better the more we practise. The top tip for drawing is to always keep looking at what you are drawing, and draw what you see, not what you expect something to look like.

Life Drawing

I went along to a life drawing class as I wanted more practise in drawing the figure. I can draw basic figures in proportion when sketching out costume designs, but never had a lot of opportunity to draw an individual who's body shape is unique and requires you to look for the details. I really enjoyed the class and found that my strengths were using black ink to create my sketches as they allowed me to capture the movement of the body. I also learnt that if you are holding up a pencil to gauge the proportions of the person, then you need to hold your arm straight out in front of you, meaning that each time you do this your arm will be in the same position.

Drawing Hands

To begin this drawing session we started by warming up, which included a lot of mark making to loosen up out hands and fingers and to get into the feel of drawing.

We then looked at how to draw hands. This is something that found very useful as normally I use a few plain lines to sketch in the hands, meaning I loose the sense of character, which hands a gestures can convey. We were taught to draw ellipsis in where each joint of the fingers go, and to also use the large muscle at the base of the thumb as a start point to draw the rest of the hand from. I found this advice really helpful, and found it a lot easier to begin drawing a hand than I did before.

Another piece of advice I was given was to have a look at sketching in both sides of the palm before adding in the fingers as, the problem with some of my previous drawings was the hands ended up becoming too wide and out of proportion. I uses this advice in my last drawing, and I can already see a massive difference compared to the drawing next to it.

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